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Employment Law in Motion

A legal blog for employers

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Seattle Alert: New Independent Contractor Protections Go Into Effect September 1, 2022
There are new regulations for businesses/hiring entities who engage with independent contractors (ICs) working in Seattle which go into effect September 1, 2022. The regulations require businesses to provide certain pre-engagement disclosures to ICs...
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COVID Update: EEOC Revises Guidance on Workplace Screening
As summer winds to a close, students return to classrooms and campuses, and many workplaces have returned to in-person activities. Either in whole or in part, COVID-19 has perhaps begun to be less “front of mind” than it once was for many people. Add...
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Comp & Benefits Info Must Be Included In Washington State Job Postings Starting January 2023
For updated information and clarifications, see our December 6, 2022 blog post: DLI Issues Updated Guidance: 2023 Washington State Job Posting Requirements. Beginning January 1, 2023, covered employers who post job openings in Washington will be req...
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“Take-Home COVID” Claims May Lead to Future Insurance Disputes
What Are “Take-Home COVID” Claims? “Take-home COVID” claims are claims brought against an employer by the spouse or child of an employee who caught COVID-19 in the workplace and brought it home, infecting a spouse or child and causing injuries. These...
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Taking Steps to Protect Confidential Information
Many companies have confidential information that they want to protect from disclosure to third parties or use by competitors. Often, companies also have agreements with vendors or clients in which the company promises to keep confidential the inform...
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The NLRB Reawakened: Part One—New Obstacles to Settlement of Unfair Labor Practices
This is the first in a series of blog posts discussing the recently issued memos that guide the National Labor Relations Board’s administration of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA). Each post in the series will include our notable takeaways for...
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