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IP & Technology Law Trends

Legal insights into intellectual property & technology trends

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Supreme Court May Review Trademark Territoriality
Increased globalism brings with it a need to re-examine and clarify the territorial limitations traditionally applied to trademark rights. Should U.S. users of foreign trademarks and foreign users of U.S. trademarks be subject to the provisions and remedies of the Lanham Act irrespective of where sales—and damages—occur?
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The Struggle is Real: Federal Trademark Registration for Cannabis and Hemp-Derived Food and Beverages Remains Elusive
Although commercial use of a trademark alone triggers rights in a mark, wise business owners endeavor to take advantage of the added benefits and protections conveyed by federal registration. One of the most important benefits of federal trademark re...
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CAFC Confirms That Artificial Intelligence Cannot Be an Inventor
About a year ago, we reported on a case out of the Eastern District of Virginia. Stephen Thaler had appealed a decision by the USPTO refusing to recognize an AI machine he created as a person. Judge Brinkema of the Eastern District ruled that only a...
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Don’t Let Your Core Brands Fall Victim to Trademark Trolls
Similar to its patent and copyright-focused counterparts, “trademark troll” is a negative moniker that refers to people who register for a trademark in bad faith, meaning they have no lawful intention to use the mark in commerce. Instead, trolls seek...
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Enforcing Electronically Acknowledged Arbitration Agreements in California
Jun 27, 2022
As the demand for a hybrid work environment increases, so do the risks associated with check-box acknowledgements for California employers. Tech companies have long been known for hybrid flexibilities, and are well advised to be mindful of a recent C...
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The Ninth Circuit Leaves Open the Delta-8 THC Legal Loophole in an Intellectual Property Dispute
In the first federal appellate ruling on delta-8 THC, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals deemed the substance legal—at least for purposes of trademark protection—concluding that if “Congress inadvertently created a loophole legalizing vaping produc...
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