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Oregon to Implement First Broad-Reaching EPR Recycling Law in the US
Oregon is on the verge of implementing the first extended producer responsibility (EPR) law in the United States broadly targeting recyclable materials with the goal of increasing recycling rates and reducing waste. Several other states, such as Cali...
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Corporate Transparency Act Update: Nationwide Injunction—FinCEN Responds
UPDATE: On December 23, 2024, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed the Texas federal court’s nationwide injunction against enforcement of the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA). This means, the CTA reporting requirements are now back in eff...
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Practical Considerations for a Disciplined Approach to Student Discipline
Schools consistently prioritize creating a safe educational environment for students and staff. Prevention and planning are a cornerstone of that process and appropriate discipline of students is a necessary component for maintaining safety. When a s...
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Federal District Court Issues Nationwide Injunction Barring Enforcement of the Corporate Transparency Act—Companies “Need Not Comply” with the January 1, 2025 Reporting Deadline
UPDATE: On December 23, 2024, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed the Texas federal court’s nationwide injunction against enforcement of the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA). This means, the CTA reporting requirements are now back in eff...
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Don’t Let Concerns About Due Process Undo Your Process: A Checklist for Responding to Special Education Due Process Complaints
Sometimes, despite the best and thorough efforts of school employees, parents of students receiving special education services will file a request for a due process hearing (usually known as a “due process complaint”). When faced with a due proc...
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Special Education—Practical Tips from the Latest Cases
As school administrators know, there are always interesting updates for complying with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Recent cases provide important new information for K-12 school teams to improve their special education pra...
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