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Today in Tax: Taxing Authorities Identify Problem Behaviors in NFT Markets
May 19, 2022
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Brief commentary on recent cases, rulings, notices, and related federal tax guidance. Red Flags in the NFT Market While there are many legitimate uses for cryptocurrencies and digital assets, criminals look for ways to exploit new technologies. A g...
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Today in Tax: Three Questions You Should Be Asking If You Have Overseas Affiliates
May 12, 2022
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US companies often have commercial transactions with their overseas affiliates in the form of financing, supply, manufacturing, services, or other agreements. Each of these common intercompany transactions can be the cause of significant US or foreig...
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Today in Tax: Digital Assets in Mergers & Acquisitions—Three Things Every Buyer Should Know
May 03, 2022
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Cryptocurrencies, digital assets, and blockchain-based technologies seem to show up everywhere. As the market for these products matures, new markets are emerging. Competitors, new entrants, and investors are acquiring the technologies and platforms...
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Today in Tax: Tax Proposal Could Shake Up M&A For Corporations With Preferred Stock
Apr 19, 2022
Brief commentary on the recent developments, cases, rulings, notices, and related federal tax guidance. Biden Administration Budget Proposal May Limit Tax-Free Reorganizations for Corporations with Preferred Stock Recent proposals may limit the abi...
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Supreme Court Decision about Community College Raises Issues for Public Body Boards
Apr 11, 2022
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Escalated tension, dissention, disagreement have been the new normal for school district and community college boards throughout the country. Censures and reprimands, once a little used arrow in the quiver of boards, have recently emerged as means of...
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Today In Tax: Uncertainties Surrounding Cryptocurrencies, Mining, NFTs, and More
Apr 07, 2022
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Brief commentary on recent cases, rulings, notices, and related federal tax guidance. While the number of cryptocurrencies and other blockchain-based assets continue to grow, the IRS’s published guidance is inadequate in addressing how to tax these...
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