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PFAS Year-End Review: EPA Lays Groundwork for Tighter Regulatory Scrutiny
2022 was a foundational year for the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) planned actions to regulate per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) under its PFAS Strategic Roadmap (Roadmap). Since issuing its Roadmap in October 2021, EPA has set ou...
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Today in Tax: Employee Loans in an Environment of Rising AFR
Employers who offer special rate loans to employees—either directly or through a third-party lender—may need to consider the effect that the rising Applicable Federal Rate (AFR) will have on such loans. Loans with rates lower than AFR may create phan...
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Today in Tax: Three Things to Watch for in 2023
Brief commentary on recent cases, rulings, notices, and related federal tax guidance.
Like clockwork, Americans greet each new year with soon-forgotten resolutions and unfounded predictions for the upcoming year. In keeping with that fine tradition,...
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Off Campus, but Still Within Reach: Ninth Circuit Affirms a Public High School’s Right to Discipline Students for Online Off-Campus Speech
As anticipated, the Ninth Circuit has waded back into the choppy waters of student online and off-campus speech following the U.S. Supreme Court’s June 2021 ruling in Mahanoy Area School District v. B.L and found that a school was justified in discip...
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Today in Tax: How NFT Sellers Can Prepare for State Taxes
Pennsylvania and Washington became the first two states to offer official guidance on how their existing tax regimes apply to nonfungible token (NFT) transactions. Their approaches offer two blueprints for other states to follow. Even though states a...
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Business Owner Exit Planning: LLC Operating Agreements
Limited liability companies (LLC or LLCs) are an attractive choice of entity for many non-public companies. An LLC is the preferred choice of entity for many advisors, including me, unless the facts warrant something different. The preference toward...
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