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Bank Law Monitor

A legal blog for the financial services industry

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Regulatory Update: Final Rule on Courtesy Overdraft Services
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has finalized its proposed rule that aims to close what CFPB Director Rohit Chopra has characterized as a “loophole” from certain consumer financial protection laws.
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Meet Diana Ramos, Our Newest Financial Services Attorney
Dec 08, 2022
The Miller Nash financial services industry team is thrilled to welcome Diana Ramos. Diana is a seasoned banking industry professional who will be working in our Portland office. She assists banks, credit unions, and other financial institutions with...
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Regulators Offer Guidance for Community Banks on Fintech Relationships
In today’s competitive banking landscape, many community banks have embraced the benefits of partnering with a variety of financial technology companies (“fintechs”). In recent years, a variety of fintechs have emerged and introduced valuable experti...
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At Long Last, FinCEN Offers Much Awaited Guidance Regarding BSA Due Diligence Requirements for Hemp Businesses
Ever since Congress passed the 2018 Farm Bill and hemp was declassified under federal law as a Schedule I controlled substance, financial institutions have struggled with whether and how to bank the hemp industry. Many bankers simply feared that the...
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Banking Regulators Encourage Lenders to Work with Borrowers Impacted by COVID-19
Federal banking regulators took a bold, first step this past Sunday, announcing Interagency Guidance ("the Guidance") to encourage lenders to work with borrowers impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak.[1] The Guidance specifically permits lenders to enter...
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Federal Banking Agencies Encourage Small-Dollar Lending
No, your eyes aren’t deceiving you. On Thursday, March 26, 2020, the federal banking agencies (i.e., the FDIC, CFPB, FRB, NCUA, and OCC) issued a joint statement encouraging banks and credit unions to offer responsible small-dollar loans to consumers...
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