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From the Ground Up

Your legal source for construction, real estate, environmental, and development news

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SCOTUS Provides Pathway to Courts' Challenging Army Corps' Wetlands Calls
Access to courts to resolve disputes early on in a permitting process is critical for land use projects in terms of time- and cost-savings. In Army Corps of Engineers v. Hawkes, issued on May 31, 2016, the U.S. Supreme Court effectively agreed by rul...
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Supreme Court Puts Clean Power Plan on Hold
Recently the Supreme Court, for the first time, halted the implementation of an EPA rule before review by the Court of Appeals. As reported on this blog, in August the EPA adopted rules under the Clean Air Act to ensure that by 2030, carbon dioxide e...
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Plan Now So That Excess Water Isn't Trouble Later
Water is a frequent topic of conversation these days, with valid concern over the growing scarcity of this resource. In the past few years, however, concerns about too much water have also arisen. From Hurricane Katrina to Superstorm Sandy to our own...
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EPA Adopts Clean Power Plan
Earlier this week, the EPA adopted rules under the Clean Air Act intended to ensure that by 2030, carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from existing power plants will be 32 percent below 2005 levels. The rule establishes emission performance rates for foss...
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Heading Into Muddied Waters
August 28, 2015, was the effective date of a new regulation that many argue expands permitting requirements for project development and other activities near or in waterbodies. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA") and Army Corps of Engine...
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