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Client Collaborations

All Representative Cases

9 Cases
Client Testimonials

After a multimillion-dollar recovery for a Miller Nash client in a design and construction defect case, Carmen Cook, former assistant general counsel for Trendwest Resorts and now assistant general counsel for Starbucks Coffee Company, wrote: "Denny's expertise and thorough preparation make him an outstanding asset for resolving our disputes regardless of whether that means in trial or at some other point down the litigation path."

IP Litigation—Patent and Trade Secret

Represented and advised numerous government contractors and bidders on how to best position themselves to protect their confidential information from disclosure by the government.

Bankruptcy & Creditors’ Rights

Represented Metawave Communications, Inc. in its Chapter 11 liquidation.


Defeated temporary restraining order sought by respondent in Title IX process to halt the imposition of sanctions following conduct process at higher education institution.

    Trust Litigation

    Represented individual beneficiary on numerous claims of breach of fiduciary duty against family-member trustees relating to mismanagement of trust assets, including limited liability companies owned in part by family trusts and holding millions of dollars in commercial real estate; obtained favorable post-trial settlement; successful defense of counterclaims including attempted invocation of no-contest clause.


    Renewable Energy Development. Prepared easements and address land use issues for wind and solar development projects.

    Tags Land UseOil & Gas
    Civil Rights & Student Litigation

    Represented school district in First Amendment claims arising out of threatening website brought through American Civil Liberties Union.

    Client Testimonials

    Joe Sharp, the managing member of Yule Tree Farms LLC, one of the largest Christmas tree growers and sellers in the United States for which Miller Nash has successfully litigated claims for fraud and misfeasance with former partners and fraud, misfeasance, and infringement against third parties, comments: "Denny backs up his advice and guidance with absolutely sound judgment and outstanding performance."

    IP Litigation—Patent and Trade Secret

    Represented and advised numerous private companies on how to preserve and protect their trade secrets.
